dimecres, 27 de novembre del 2013

Bojan Krkic near Vic

Bojan Krkic is finishing his long recovery near Vic. The Ajax player has made his physical training sessions on the Creu de Gurb. He got injured on the 4th October while he started to run 2 minutes after the match began.

La Creu de Gurb has 800 meters of a natural Osona viewpoint where you can see all the Vic and the landscapes of the nature, especially if it isn't raining!

The player posted a photo to Instagram and explained that his recovery was done in Barcelona to be closer to friends and family.

Fortunately, that day there were no fans in La Creu de Gurb interrupting his training since it was a Thursday and people had work or school.

A talk about basketball

Hi! Today I have been speaking with Jordi Albert Ferrès. He is a basketball coach and a former player of this sport.

1.- How long have you been practising basketball?
I play basketball since I was 11 years old but I also train a basketball team since I was 25 years old, and now I'm 35.

2.- What do you think of basketball in Catalonia?

I think there are many differences with other sports such as football. How ever, there are many people who practice this sport.

3.- Which is your objective associated with the basketball?
 My principal objective is to win the competition since we are leaders of it.  However, I also want to create a good atmosphere in the group.

4.- Do you think that any players of your group will play the NBA?
jajaj...I hope it! To become a professional basketball player is difficult. Although this competition is the star of all, there are many other leagues not so recognized in Europe for example. 

6.- Which position did you have when you were a little boy?
I was point guard, but I liked to play like a centre.

7-Have you lived any anecdote?

Yes,  I met my first girlfriend when we were waiting that a female basketball team finished their match.  I liked playing with the number 8 and I said her that she had a good match and after that,  we started to be friends.

Interview with Miquel Pietx

Hi!! Today I have been speaking with a person who is a football coach, whose name is Miquel Pietx.  He had played handball when he was a little boy, but finally he decided to quit because he wanted to be a coach.

Which football team was be the first that you train?

After I left the handball, I had an examen because I wanted to be a football coach. My first team was la U.E. Sant Quirze, in that age there was only two female football teams, the Remei and Sant Quirze.

How long did you train it?

I trained this team for eigth years.

Do you like this experience? Why?

Yes, I enjoyed a lot with the girls. They were very respected and we got big prizes of the championship.  The why I can't define it, since there are a lot of factors like  players environment, the support of the club and the support of the town.

Have you promoted an initiative for the construction of the female football teams?
No,no I never have it.  However,  I have always been near to the Catalonian federation and I have helped with the diferent questions about female football, above all with the etic topic and the difference that there are between girls and boys.

Why do you continue to train a girls team?
It's a football different from the males football and when you have built a female team you have to maintain them.

Have you trained a handball team?
Yes, of course! In fact, I have trained a mixed-team between since it's a minority sport. Nowadays, in Vic there is only a handball team.

Can you tell me a story or anecdote that you have lived?
Yes, in a match in Hospitalet de Llobregat, there weren't dressing rooms for girls and boys, and the girls got dressed in a particular garage,  and when the match finished the girls had a shower in the particular house.  Fortunately, they have 3 bathrooms.

A special race in India

Last month, two friends from St. Hipòlit de Voltregà participated and won a 1300 km race peculiar to India driving a rikshaw (also called tuc-tuc , it's a vehicle that is used as a taxi in India) .

They say that apart from winning the race, they have got considerable experience  since they have crossed a part of the India only with a map and  with a speed of 60-65 km per hour . They also said that this race is like an obstacles course, since the GPS didn't work and they crossed highly populated cities and watched the risks.

However, people helped with mechanical problems and guided them to the finish.

Movies and sports joined

Torelló presents the film festival BBVA mountain in the Cirvianum theatre.

The sessions will be linked to any sport that is on the mountain, such as climbing, slack-line, skiing, among others.

Participants who have recorded experiences on the mountain, like Ferran Latorre reaching the summit Cho Oyu , screened their movie theatre . There will be 29 different countries and two Catalan movies.

People who will participate in this event will be the president of the  Catalan Government in functions, Joana Ortega , different athletes and the president of the Vic Union excursionist

dijous, 14 de novembre del 2013

La Plana football tournament

Last week, La Plana football tournament started.

The competition consists in a match every Wednesday during the fisrt break (that lasts 20).If the macth finishes with tie, the match continues in the second snack (that last 15 minutes). If one of the teams wins in the first break, the match finishes.

The rules are simple and easy:
- Every team has to have 6 players at least, among these people a girl has to play all the match and   the other rules are like the indoor fotball.
- Every class can have 6 teams at the most.
- Everybody has to respect all the rules.

The first idea is this tournament will finish when the first term finishes. Then, the others two terms will have tournaments with different sports like volley or basketball.

diumenge, 10 de novembre del 2013

dimecres, 6 de novembre del 2013

Charity football match in Vic

Hello bloggers!!!

Mental Heathl from Osona has organized a charity football match because on 10th October is the World Mental Health day.

In this match, participants are going to be veteran players from teams like AEC Manlleu or U.E. Vic. The competition is going to be played at the facilities of OAR VIC.

The purpose of this event is to inform the population about the problems and the cuts that because of the economic crisis.

In this ceremony, there will be some raffles, for example, a FCB team t.shirt signed by Leo Messi or a dinner for two people at La Masia del Montseny in Viladrau.

Voltregà female roller skating team

Hi! I'm writing a new article that I hope you like!

Last week, the roller skating league started for both boys as girls. Most teams are Catalan while in the rest of the state this sport is of little interest. I will focus on the female roller skating Voltregà that won the first match against Igualada. Some history about this club.

During the last years, this girls got some important championship, for example OK League, Europe Championship or the Queen Championship. However, they are not only professionals of this sport. They have another life. Some of them are studying at university and the others girls have a job.

This year, the girls want to go back to dream again and so they want to win everything.


Hi! Today I have made an interview about Institut La Plana volley team.

1.- What do you like of Volley?
I like this sport because it's a collective sport. Moreover, this sport doesn't need people to be in good shape and have resistance.

2.- How long ago did you start to practise this sport?
I have been doing volley for two years, but I would have liked to start before.

3.- Do you compete in a championship?
Yes of course! We compete in Osona Volley championship. The teams that are in the championship are teams from different high schools IES Vic, Sagrat Cor and other high schools.  One of the best volley teams is Jaume Callís.

4.- Who was the coach last year?
Blai Rigau was our trainer. He has studied INEFC ( it is a degree about all the sports) at University of Vic. Also, he has played in a Vic volley team from university.

5.- Which results did you get last year?
We won some matches and we only lost 3 matches.

6.- How many people are in the team?
Last year we were 9 but this year we'll  be 16 aproximately. Well, we'll have many alternative since the rules of the sport explains that only 6 people play with one team and other 6 people play in the other team.

7.-Are you friends within the team members?
Yes, a lot. Moreover, we are classmates.

8.- Which objective do you have this year?
We'll try to win more matches than last year and overcome our invidual skills, such ushitting the ball stronger.

9.- Have you lived a funny experiencie or anecdote?
Yes! One day we were closed at school and we didn't have the keys and we jumped the wall.
Also, another day, we were training and suddenly, a girl broke another girl's nose and they were in the same team.
We designed the t-shirts of the team.

divendres, 1 de novembre del 2013

Clàudia Ausió speaks about swimming


Hi readers! In this week, I haved interviewed a good swimmer. Claudia is 17 years old and she practises this sport.

1.- How long have you been practising swimming?
I swim since I was 7 years old.

2.- Did  you want to swim when you are a little girl or did your parents obligate you to it?
I didn't like swimming, but my parents forced me to swim. In the beginning, I cried a lot, but after a short time, I started to like it.

3.- What do you feel while you are swimming in the pool?
I feel free and calm. The water is a more sensible place  than others. In addition, I really enjoy it.

4.- Would you like to practise other water sports like waterpolo or synchronized swimming?
No, I wouldn't. Sometimes, I've played waterpolo and I also try to do synchronized swimming. However, I prefer to swim.

5.- Are there some diferences between girls and boys nowadays?
In the competitions, the boys are better than girls , but it's normal as in all the sports.

6.- Which style is your favourite?
Crawl is easier than the other styles,  and it's the fastest.

7.- Have you lived any anectode?
Yes, one day I was tranning and I was swimming 400m (are 16 pools) I was going first with a lot of diference compared with the others and I deducted the pools and I asked to my coach how many pools had I swum and he got really angry.