divendres, 1 de novembre del 2013

Clàudia Ausió speaks about swimming


Hi readers! In this week, I haved interviewed a good swimmer. Claudia is 17 years old and she practises this sport.

1.- How long have you been practising swimming?
I swim since I was 7 years old.

2.- Did  you want to swim when you are a little girl or did your parents obligate you to it?
I didn't like swimming, but my parents forced me to swim. In the beginning, I cried a lot, but after a short time, I started to like it.

3.- What do you feel while you are swimming in the pool?
I feel free and calm. The water is a more sensible place  than others. In addition, I really enjoy it.

4.- Would you like to practise other water sports like waterpolo or synchronized swimming?
No, I wouldn't. Sometimes, I've played waterpolo and I also try to do synchronized swimming. However, I prefer to swim.

5.- Are there some diferences between girls and boys nowadays?
In the competitions, the boys are better than girls , but it's normal as in all the sports.

6.- Which style is your favourite?
Crawl is easier than the other styles,  and it's the fastest.

7.- Have you lived any anectode?
Yes, one day I was tranning and I was swimming 400m (are 16 pools) I was going first with a lot of diference compared with the others and I deducted the pools and I asked to my coach how many pools had I swum and he got really angry.

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