Hi! Today I have made an interview about Institut La Plana volley team.
1.- What do you like of Volley?
I like this sport because it's a
collective sport. Moreover, this sport doesn't need people to be in good
shape and have resistance.
2.- How long ago did you start to practise this sport?
I have been doing volley for two years, but I would have liked to start before.
3.- Do you compete in a championship?
Yes of course! We compete in Osona
Volley championship. The teams that are in the championship are
teams from different high schools IES Vic, Sagrat Cor and other high
schools. One of the best volley teams is Jaume Callís.
4.- Who was the coach last year?
Blai Rigau was our trainer. He
has studied INEFC ( it is a degree about all the sports) at University
of Vic. Also, he has played in a Vic volley team from university.
5.- Which results did you get last year?
We won some matches and we only lost 3 matches.
6.- How many people are in the team?
Last year we were 9 but this year
we'll be 16 aproximately. Well, we'll have many alternative since the
rules of the sport explains that only 6 people play with one team and
other 6 people play in the other team.
7.-Are you friends within the team members?
Yes, a lot. Moreover, we are classmates.
8.- Which objective do you have this year?
We'll try to win more matches than last year and overcome our invidual skills, such ushitting the ball stronger.
9.- Have you lived a funny experiencie or anecdote?
Yes! One day we were closed at school and we didn't have the keys and we jumped the wall.
Also, another day, we were training and suddenly, a girl broke another girl's nose and they were in the same team.
We designed the t-shirts of the team.

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